Frequently Asked Questions
What time do your services start?
Our worship services begin at 10:15 am on Sundays.
How do I get to your church?
Our address is 204 S. Main Street, Winchester, Kentucky.
Where do I park?
There is a parking lot located behind the church off S. Maple Street. There is also street parking located around the church building, off Main Street and Hickman Street.
Which door do I use?
If you park in the lot behind the church, enter through the door under the tan awning. Follow the hallway to its end and the sanctuary is to your left. If you park in the side parking lot, you can enter through double doors under the tan awning. Go straight to get into the sanctuary. We also offer a side entrance off Hickman Street. Once you enter this side door, go to the left and up the steps to enter the sanctuary. The front doors of the church (S. Main Street) are open until service begins. Once you come in the front door, you can go either right or left to find the doors that lead into the sanctuary.
Where do I sit?
As you enter the sanctuary you’ll see a large worship space with traditional wooden pews complete with hymnals and bibles. You are welcome to sit in any of the pews – up front, in the back or anywhere in between.
What happens in a service?
The classic worship services at First UMC begin with a greeter at the door welcoming you to worship and an usher providing a bulletin FUMC uses the United Methodist Hymnal. We often have special music provided by our choir or other musicians. Our liturgy is interactive and gives congregation members an opportunity to sing and respond in a corporate fashion within the service. The sermon lasts approximately 25-30 minutes and will include both sermon series and stand alone sermons. We celebrate Holy Communion normally on the first Sunday of each month. Holy Communion is open to everyone and we believe Christ invites all to His table who love him and earnestly repent of their sin.
Will I be asked to give money?
We do collect an offering during worship, but it is for our members and regular attendees. If you are a visitor/guest, please do not feel obligated to give. All $1 bills and changed placed in the offering basket each week goes to support our Dollar Disciples ministry. We ask for just $1 extra each week and that money is collected and used to make a change in the lives of those who need it in the community. Dollar Disciples has helped numerous people in their times of financial need.
What do my kids do?
Children are welcome and encouraged to attend worship. There is a children’s sermon midway through the service and then they are invited to attend children’s church.
What if I have questions?
Please direct questions to